June 25, 2020
End of school year message
Dear Howay Families,
It is hard to believe that we are at the end of the 2019/2020 school year! The last three months have been challenging but we have gained some great knowledge on how to move through these unprecedented times. Thank you to all of the Howay community for your support! Staff have greatly appreciated the kind and supportive words as we have worked through these last three months. At this time, we are still unsure of what school will look like come September but hopeful that we are back to a more regular schedule. It will be very important for families to check emails and the district webpage in August and early September for up to date information.
We would like to wish our Grade 5s all the best as they move along to middle school! We were so excited and pleased to have all our Grade 5s attend the farewell afternoon on June 24th. Thank you to the PAC for the amazing backpacks and water bottles. Such a treat for the grade 5s as they begin their journey as a Grade 6 student. Thank you to Ms. Cantafio and Ms. Bloom for organizing the activities and making our farewell very special.
The Howay community was also treated to a special Blues Kids virtual performance from some of our students on June 24th. The Blues Kids virtual performance was released at 6:30 on June 24th in Google Meets. It was great to see many of our families join the on line gathering! Thank you Dr. Kentel for all of your efforts in getting this organized. It was such a treat and so fun to watch! Please check out the Blues Kids performance here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tk38yc9VzOs
A few items to remember…
Library Books
We are still collecting library books! Please return library books to our Out Door Drop Box on our front door step. We will have the outside box available until July 3rd.
Chromebook return
Families who borrowed Chromebooks should return them by tomorrow June 26th at NWSS. If you need support in returning the Chromebook please contact me and I will help with the return.
Report Cards
Report cards are now on the MyEd family portal. Please view your child’s report card through the portal @ https://www.myeducation.gov.bc.ca/aspen/logon.do
School Supplies 2020/2021
School supply lists are on the website. Orders can be made directly with Creative Children or parents can purchase supplies at local stores. https://fwhowayschool.ca/parents/notices-information/supply-lists/
Have a wonderful and restful summer break!
Sarah Phelan