June 12, 2020
School Update June 12, 2020
A Few June Updates!
It has been a great couple of weeks at Howay. Students and staff have developed some wonderful new routines to support remote and on-site learning. Thank you to all of our families for your patience and support over the last few months.
Please contact me if you feel you would like to start sending your child to school. Many families who responded that they would not return may have had a change in their own schedules or feel more comfortable as we move along in our on-site learning process.
Here are a few house keeping items to remember and make note of as we approach our final weeks of the school:
We are continuing to take new registrations for the 2020/2021 school year. If you know of any families that have moved into our catchment area please encourage them to register their children. Registration information can be found on the district website.
School Supplies
Student school supply packs for the 2020/2021 school year are available now to order online through Creative Children Educational Supply. (No orders or payments will be accepted at the school.) A supply list will be made available for families that do not wish to order these prepackaged kits.
Supporting all Families
Please let us know if you need additional support with school supplies, lunches, participation in field trips and other activities and events throughout the year. Our whole school community is eager to help and make sure all students have a positive experience while at Howay.
Library Book Collection
Please return all library books to the school before the end of the year. We currently have a number of books still over due. If you are learning on-site, please return books to your classroom teacher. If you are remote learning, please drop off your books in the bin on the front door step of Howay. Ms. Dupuis and classroom teachers will be contacting you if you have an overdue book.
Last Day of School
The last day of school for students is Thursday, June 25. For those who are attending on-site learning we will follow the current schedule of times for the last day. Div. 2, 4 and 5 – 9:00 – 11:30 and Div. 1 and 3 – 12:30 – 3:00.
Report Cards
Report cards will be on the Family Portal of MyEd BC on Thursday, June 25. We no longer hand out paper copies to students. If you are having difficulty accessing report cards on June 25 please contact your teacher.
Sarah Phelan