June 5, 2020
School Update June 5, 2020
Dear Howay Families,
Thank you to all of our families who filled out the surveys last week. It greatly helped in our planning for this week. We have around 55% or our student population choosing to be on-site. Staff were excited to see students and it was a nice treat to hear students in our hallways! We have developed some very good safety routines and students have adjusted quickly to our school expectations. Thank you to all the parents who have helped their children understand what it looks like to be a responsible Howay citizen during this time.
A few reminders about student drop off and pick up:
- Please remember to keep your child with you until the classroom teacher usher students into the building. We are not lining up outside to avoid congestion at the entrance.
- Please remember to send a water bottle as the fountains are not in use.
- The city and school playgrounds are now open but please keep in mind that we are still following distancing advice set forth by Dr. Henry. It is difficult for children to distance without adult support so please support your child if you use the playground outside of school hours.
- Please make sure to complete the daily health check at home before you come to school. It is important to keep students at home if they are not well. Please click here for the Daily Health Assessment checklist.
If families have questions regarding the COVID processes and protocols that are in place at Howay, please do not hesitate to call the school. I am available to discuss concerns or ideas as this is an unprecedented time in our school.
Please also contact me if you feel you would like to start sending your child to school in the coming weeks. Many families who responded that they would not return may have had a change in their own schedules or feel more comfortable as we move along in our on-site learning process. Please reach out to your classroom teacher or to myself if you would like to start your child in the process of returning to on-site learning.
Sarah Phelan