May 29, 2020
School Update May 29, 2020
Dear Families,
For those who have informed us through our surveys that they are returning to on-site learning On Monday, June 1, we have a few items that are necessary to review before coming to school:
Please note the drop off and pick up location for your child:
Div. 1 | Mrs. Cantafio/
Ms. Bloom |
12:30 – 3:00 pm | Drop off and pick up will be at the west side door |
Div. 2 | Ms. Husdon/Mrs. Stevenson | 9:00 – 11:30 am | Drop off and pick up will be at the west side door |
Div. 3 | Mrs. Browning/
Mrs. Stevenson |
12:30 – 3:00 pm | Drop off and pick up will be at the east side door (courtyard) |
Div. 4 | Mrs. Martins | 9:00 – 11:30 am | Drop off and pick up will be at the east side door (courtyard) |
Div. 5 | Dr. Kentel/
Ms. Phelan |
9:00 – 11:30 am | Drop off and pick up will be at the modular
- Please do not have students line up upon arrival. It is important to maintain distancing where possible. Teachers and staff will meet students outside to help with entering the school
- It is suggested that you escort your child to school so that you can assist them in observing physical distancing
- We ask that parents not enter the school building in order to maintain density requirements. Instead, we will be pleased to assist you by telephone
- For at least the first week of June, the school doors will remain locked during the day by direction of the school district. This policy will be reviewed as we go forward.
- Please send your child to school with a filled water bottle as water fountains have been disabled. If you decide to send a snack, please remind your child not to share and ensure that it is washed and ready to eat
- Please ensure your child have their jackets, books, glasses, etc. with them when they arrive. Wherever possible, please do not drop off items at the office. If absolutely necessary to do so, please label the items before you come to the school.
- Please do not send toys or other items from home. Only send the essential items that are necessary for learning. Your classroom teacher will send home more information regarding supplies and if they require additional items to support the activities and learning throughout the day.
- If you have indicated that your child will be attending but they will be absent for illness, appointments, etc. please call the office to report their absence as normal.
- As you are well aware, it is of utmost importance that your children remain home if they show any symptoms of common cold, influenza, COVID 19 and other infectious respiratory disease before sending them to school. To that end, we ask that you perform a daily wellness check with your child using this checklist as a guide. You do not need to submit the forms to the school, they are for your information only.
We look forward to seeing you on Monday!
Sarah Phelan