News & Events

February 2, 2022

School updates for February

Thank You!!!!

I want to thank all of our Howay families for your patience and understanding with the CDC and PHO guidelines for student illness and the care you have taken to understand when it is best for children to attend school. There have been lots of changes over the last few weeks and we appreciate all of the questions and support we have received over the last month as it helps us plan and keep minimizing the risk of COVID in our school. By informing our school staff of illness right away and keeping students at home during periods of illness, we have been able to take extra care in cleaning and following district and school protocols to keep staff and students safe. Please remember when you are calling to report an absence to indicate if your child is ill (even if COVID is not suspected) as it helps us monitor each classroom more closely.

Please click here to visit our website for information on COVID-19 protocols.


Conference and Early Dismissal Days

Please make sure to sign up for a conference time! – Feb 9th and Feb. 10th.

On Monday, we sent an email to all families to sign up for our virtual parent/student/teacher conferences. Conferences are a wonderful opportunity to discuss and share student progress. Students will have an opportunity to share with their parents and guardians their strengths and stretches and discuss how they will continue to grow as a learner.

Please click here for information on how to book your conference time.

**All students will be dismissed at 12:24 on February 9th and 10th.


Wellness Support – FamilySmart

There are 2 great virtual parent sessions in February. Please check out the flyer for more details and how to register by clicking here

“ADHD- the Real Deal” with Dr. Don Duncan (Feb. 16th)

“What to Say to Kids (and Teens) When Nothing Seems to Work” with Dr. Ashley Miller (Feb. 23rd).


Student Learning Survey and Middle Years Development Instrument

The Middle Years Development Instrument (MDI) is a self-report questionnaire completed by children in Grades 5 this year. It asks them how they think and feel about their experiences both inside and outside of school. The questionnaire includes questions related to the five areas of development (physical health and well-being, connectedness, social and emotional development, school experiences and use of after school time) that are strongly linked to well-being, health and academic achievement. The questionnaire is run through the Human Early Learning Partnership at UBC.

The Student Learning Surveys, completed by our Grade 4 students, covers a range of topics, providing a comprehensive picture of the educational experience in B.C. public schools. Questions were developed with input from partner groups, teachers and experts in educational measurement and special education. The questionnaire is a Ministry of Education survey conducted each year.


Valentine’s Day

Valentines Day falls on a school day this year and many students enjoy giving cards to their classmates. If your children are planning on sending Valentine cards, please ensure there are no treats or food items. We will continue to have no food items or pre-packaged food items being shared during this special day.  February 14th is also a Spirit Day so we invite students to wear Red, Pink and White!


Dates to Remember

Feb. 7th PAC meeting on Zoom – 7:00 pm
Feb. 9th and 10th Early Dismissal Days and Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences

Students dismissed at 12:24

Feb 14th Valentine’s Day

Spirit Day – Wear Red/Pink/White

Feb. 16th ADHD – The Real Deal (parent evening session)
Feb. 21st Family Day holiday – no school
Feb. 22nd Non-instructional Day

Students do not attend school

Feb. 23rd Pink Shirt Day (focuses on the reduction of bullying and conflict and increasing inclusion and positive relationships)
Feb. 23rd  What to Say to Kids (and Teens) When Nothing Seems to Work (parent evening session)
March 10th Report cards  will be posted on the MyEd family portal
March 11th Last day of school before Spring Break
March 28th First day back after Spring Break