May 3, 2023
May Updates
Food Bank
We are happy to be supporting the food bank this May. All of our schools will participate in a campaign to raise funds for our local food banks. If you are interested in donating please click here for more information.
Welcome to Kindergarten
We are very excited to invite our 2023/2024 kindergarten students and families to our Welcome to Kindergarten event! Activities will be in a station format where families and students will have opportunities to play and be involved in various hands-on experiences. Our new students will play in the gymnasium, hear a story from our librarian and visit a kindergarten classroom.
Event date: Wednesday, May 24th
Time: 9:30 – 11:00
Location: School gymnasium
Bike Program (Grade 3-5)
We are very excited to once again have the HUB Cycling Program involved in our school to support bike safety. This 2 day program supports both practical knowledge and learning in our classrooms as well as learning about safety while riding bikes.
Good Thing Happened Today
We had such an exciting and fun filled month of learning. These are just a few highlights of our April learning:
- Lacrosse in schools (supported by New Westminster Parks and Recreation and the New Westminster Salmonbellies Lacrosse Association)
- The Planetarium Dome (This amazing dome came to our school. We all had a chance to experience what is feels like to travel through space and learn more about our solar system)
- Hume Park – whole school field trip
- Bees, caterpillars and salmon
- Planting our garden
- Eggstravaganza
Upcoming events and important dates for May and June
May 8 | HUB bike program (Grade 3-5) – bring helmets and bikes on this day |
May 12 | Spirit Day – Howay Colours (Red, white, and black) |
May 19 | Non-instructional day (no school for students) |
May 22 | Victoria Day holiday – school closed |
May 24 | Welcome to Kindergarten (9:30 -11:00) |
May 26 | Sprit Day – Tie Dye |
June 2 | Grade 5’s visit Glenbrook Middle School |
June 7 | Grade 5s to Watermania |
June 9 | Runathon (PAC fundraiser) |
June 14 | Fun Day |
June 21 | National Indigenous Peoples Day |
June 28 | Grade 5 Farewell assembly – 11:15 |
June 28 | Report cards on MyEd parent portal |
June 29 | Last day for Students (dismissal 2:00) |