October 15, 2021
October News
Hard to believe we are midway through October! We finished off the month of September with a week of reflection and learning around Truth and Reconciliation as well as our successful campaign for the Terry Fox Foundation. We managed to go well beyond our school goal of 2 dollars per student! Our final total was $400.00! Thank you to all of the Howay families for their donations.
We are very pleased to welcome our newest staff member to FW. Howay. Ms. Valentina Lalic will be teaching in Division 4 for the remainder of the school year. Welcome Ms. Lalic!
Code of Conduct
The purpose of F.W. Howay’s Code of Conduct is to establish a learning environment and school culture that promotes safety, kindness, responsibility, and respect. The goal of our code is to create a school community where all individuals – students, parents, staff and visitors – demonstrate the values of respect for self and others, honesty, integrity, acceptance, and tolerance.
Please visit the school website to review the full Code of Conduct https://fwhowayschool.ca/about-us/learner-success/code-of-conduct/
Dressing for West Coast Weather
It will be very rare that we have students stay inside at recess and lunch due to inclement weather so please ensure that your children are dressed to be outside every day for a minimum of 1 hour. It will be important to make sure that all students have clothing and outer wear that supports rain and cold weather (raincoats, mittens, warm winter jackets, boots). It is also a very good idea to pack extra socks, and pants for those times when students may need a change of clothes. We are encouraging families to have your children leave an umbrella at school as well as extra clothes – students have personal coat hooks and cubbies to keep umbrellas and extra clothes.
Halloween Parade
Students and staff are invited to dress up and participate in our annual Halloween parade during the afternoon of October 29th (optional participation). If students are choosing to wear a costume, please remember to keep special costume pieces at home so they do not get lost or broken. Students will also need to leave toy weapons that are part of costumes at home. Students will be having recess and lunch outside so please ensure rain jackets and boots will fit over the costumes.
The parade will be outside (weather permitting).
Nut Aware
F.W. Howay is a nut aware school. We have students in our school that have life-threatening allergies to peanuts and other tree nuts. Please be mindful of packing items in your children’s lunch that contain peanuts and other tree nuts. It is also important to remind your children that they do not share food with others.
Parents’ Night Out
Please see the attached link on the district website for the October 22nd Parents’ Night Out event https://newwestschools.ca/parents-night-out-coming-up-oct-22/
Calendar of upcoming events
October 20th and 21st | Early dismissal 12:24
Parent teacher conferences 1:10 – 4:30 |
October 22nd | Non-instructional day – students do not attend |
October 29th | Halloween Parade – outside (weather permitting)
PAC Hot Lunch |
November 1st | PAC meeting – 7:00 on zoom |
November 11th | Remembrance Day – no school |
November 12th | Non-instructional day – students do not attend |
November 22nd | Individual re-take photo day |