April 20, 2020
School Update April 20, 2020
Dear Howay Families,
It has been great to see students and families on their google accounts. Most students have accessed their classrooms and are connecting with teachers. This week, teachers will start sending home Weekly Learning Plans. It will be important to review the learning plans each week and develop a schedule of learning that works for you and your child. Please check your google classrooms daily and reach out to teachers with questions.
A few things to remember and review:
- Please review the attached documents regarding Student Guidelines for Remote Learning Participation and also Student Guidelines for Virtual Classroom Participation. Also, there is more information to support parents with understanding google classroom – Parent’s Guide to G-Suite Tools and Google Classroom
- If you have not done so already, please visit your School Cash Online account to review and fill out the Remote Learning Consent
- If you are still in need of technology support please contact your classroom teacher. The district has Chromebooks to loan out for those students that need technology to support remote learning.
- Please reach out to me if your family has any food security issues. During these difficult times family needs may have changed or you may anticipate a change in the coming weeks. The school district is supporting families with food security.
- Please visit the school district website for updates regarding COVID-19
Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.
Sarah Phelan