April 7, 2020
School Update April 7, 2020
Dear Howay Families,
The last week has been very busy for all of our staff as we try to implement remote learning. It has been a very big learning curve and we appreciate your patience with starting the process. We are eager to get started and many families are ready to begin remote learning. Connecting with all families is however, the first and most important aspect for this week. If you are having challenges connecting through email then please let the office know and we can help develop a plan that works for you. If you have any updates to your contact information please contact the school office to update your information so teachers can connect either through email or phone calls.
All classrooms will be using Google Classroom to share learning plans and move forward with the continuity of learning. Today you will receive passwords and information from the classroom teachers to set up your child in google classroom. Some classrooms will all also be sending home passwords to access other various on line programs, so it will be important to manage your various passwords throughout the next few months. As a parent of two students in New Westminster, I know that trying to manage various platforms and passwords can be challenging so developing an easy method where your child can easily access these various platforms will be very important.
We hope to keep emails to minimum once things are up and running but until then you will see emails from the school, the district and your classroom teacher. Please also visit the district website for various supports and resources www.newwestminsterschools.ca
This week it is important to:
- Make sure you have been in contact with your classroom teacher (either through email or a phone call).
- Set up Google Classroom
- Fill out the Remote Learning Consent through your existing School Cash Online account @ https://newwestschools.schoolcashonline.com/Home/SignIn
- Let your classroom teacher know if you need support with technology
- Contact Ms. Phelan if you have questions about childcare (designated for Essential Service Workers)
Thank you for your on-going support and patience.
Sarah Phelan