September 6, 2023
Welcome to our first week of school!
It is my pleasure to introduce and welcome Ms. Veronica Bryan (Learning Support and Resource Teacher), Ms. Tanya Kliefoth (Counsellor), Ms. Sadie Lucas (Education Assistant), Angela Essak (Music and Fine Arts teacher) and Ms. Emilie Dionne (Child and Youth Care Worker) to the Howay community.
Today, students in Grade 1-5 moved into their new classrooms! Students will be coming home excited to share with you their teachers name and where their classroom is located. Please take note of your teacher name, division and entrance/exits as tomorrow your child will start their day in those classrooms.
Ms. Kristina Husdon/Ms. Janet Dupuis Grade 4/5 Division 1
Ms. Jody Mountain Grade 4/5 Division 2
Ms. Sandy Browning Grade 2/3 Division 3
Ms. Erica Bloom Grade 2/3 Division 4
Ms. Jennifer Martins Grade 1/2 Division 5
Ms. Valentina Lalic Grade K/1 Division 6
Ms. Sharon Chui Kindergarten Division 7
Please bring all remaining school supplies to school tomorrow – Thursday, Sept. 7th (please label all supplies).
Please drop off and pick up students at the designated exit/entrance for their division, starting on Thursday, Sept. 7th.
Div. 1 – west side (side entrance)
Div. 2 – west side (side entrance)
Div. 3 – west side (side entrance)
Div. 4 – east side (courtyard)
Div. 5 – east side (courtyard)
Div. 6 – east side (courtyard)
Div. 7 – east side (courtyard)
Bell Schedule
Morning Bell – 8:50
Recess – 10:30 – 10:45
Lunch 12:05 – 12:51
Dismissal – 3:00
Upcoming Events and Important Dates
September is a busy month with many events coming up at school. Emails will be sent regularly with school and district updates and calendar events as well as parent bulletins that highlight upcoming activities. The school website is also updated regularly with notices and newsletters for your convenience.
Sept. 7th – First Day of Gradual Entry for Kindergartens
Sept. 11th – PAC meeting – 7:00pm – School Library
Sept. 18th – Non-instructional day – students do not attend
Sept. 19th – First day of full day Kindergarten for our kindergarten students
Sept. 22nd – Terry Fox Run
Sept. 25th – Sept. 30th – Orange Shirt Week
Sept. 30th – National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Oct. 2nd – National Day for Truth and Reconciliation – Statutory Holiday – no school
Please click here to view our school calendar
I am very excited about the school year and all of the wonderful learning opportunities ahead!
Sarah Phelan